Read our safeguarding policies
- StreetGames Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Appendix 1: The StreetGames Delivery Chain
- Appendix 2: Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Appendix 3: DBS Policy
- Appendix 4: Staff and Volunteer Recruitment
- Appendix 5: Code of Conduct
- Appendix 6: Responding to and Reporting Concerns
- Appendix 7: Prevent Duty
- Appendix 8: Lone Working Policy
- Appendix 9: StreetGames Reporting Form
- Appendix 10: Social Media and Safeguarding
- Appendix 11: Child Sexual Exploitation Policy
- Appendix 12: StreetGames Photography and Filming Policy
- Appendix 13: StreetGames Safeguarding Structure and Issue Management Chart
- StreetGames Protection of Adults at Risk Policy
- StreetGames Modern Slavery Policy
- StreetGames Female Genital Mutilation Policy
StreetGames and its use of communications, media and publicity
StreetGames wants to be able to communicate and share the work that is done across the whole charity to help raise the profile of its work, share stories and demonstrate the impact of what we do. To do this we use case studies, news stories, photographs and videos from a range of activities including:
- Doorstep sport sessions and activities
- StreetGames events and festivals
- Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programmes
- Youth Leadership and Social Action programmes
- Residentials and Summer Camps
- Trips and visits to live sporting events
Across all of these, we may be telling the story of a young person and using images and videos of them taking part in Doorstep Sport. StreetGames therefore has in place a Filming and Photography Policy that has been created to:
- protect children and young people who take part in StreetGames’ services, events and activities, specifically those where photographs and videos may be taken;
- set out the overarching principles that guide our approach to photographs/videos being taken of children and young people during our events and activities;
- ensure that we operate in line with our values and within the law when creating, using and sharing images of children and young people.