Case Study – Empowering Coaching for Doorstep Sport

In order to further enhance and strengthen the impact of Doorstep Sport delivery on young peoples’ lives, StreetGames was keen to look at ways of improving participant retention, quality of activity engagement, and enjoyment. To achieve this, StreetGames looked to develop a specific training program to add to their inhouse Training Academy to help upskill the workforce in delivering sporting opportunities and to meet the needs of local communities.

To help do this, StreetGames, in partnership with the Empowering Coaching™ team at the University of Birmingham, created a bespoke evidence-based 6-hour workshop called Empowering Coaching for Doorstep Sport (EC4DS).

This case study, funded by a follow-on grant by ESRC’s Impact Acceleration Account awarded to the University of Birmingham, examines the perceived impact of Empowering Coaching for Doorstep Sport (EC4DS) from the standpoint of three different groups:

  1. Managers of Doorstep Sport Coaches
  2. Doorstep Sport Coaches
  3. Young Participants at Doorstep Sport sessions

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