Keep up to date with the latest news, research and training available to network members.

What’s On
Find out about upcoming workshops and webinars.

Keep your details up to date
Ensure you are getting the most out of the StreetGames network by keeping your details up to date.

Safeguarding children and young people
StreetGames operates with a young person-centred approach. It is the commitment of the organisation to deliver its activities and programmes with the welfare and safety of all children and young people at the centre of all design and delivery.

Monitoring & Evaluation Kit-Bag
We’ve packaged together some tips and tools to create a ‘kit-bag’ to help community organisations undertake M&E and demonstrate the impact of their work.

Our regional teams
StreetGames has dedicated teams spread across six regions of the UK: London & South East, Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber, North West, North East, and Wales. These regional teams provide local communities with guidance and support across a variety of areas including training, funding, resources and more.