Our Campaigns

We believe that access to sport and its benefits are a right not a privilege. That’s why we campaign to support partners working in low-income communities to provide more opportunities for young people to take part in sport and physical activity.

English Cymraeg

StreetGames Sport for Development Awards

The StreetGames Awards are back for 2024, shining a spotlight on the outstanding individuals and organisations using sport and physical activity to make a difference in our communities.


Young Person's Manifesto

The Young Person’s Manifesto has been created by a team of five Young Advisors to enable young people’s voices from underserved communities across the UK to be heard in the lead up to the UK general election 2024.



With over four million children growing up in low-income families, there's an urgent need to continue supporting holiday activities in underserved communities and expand our reach.



Bringing the buzz and benefits of major sporting events right to the doorstep of those young people who need it most.


Fit and Fed

Fit and Fed offers fun physical activities and nutritious, healthy meals to some of society’s most vulnerable young people.

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