New Insight
The Coronavirus pandemic and more recently, the cost-of-living crisis, have impacted strongly on young people’s lives, the communities they live in and their ability to be active. That’s why StreetGames, in partnership with Platypus Research, have undertaken a major research study to capture the views and opinions of 1,000 young people from lower-income households.
This new research amplifies the voices of 1,000 young people and shares key data about their concerns, priorities, role models and inspirations, as well as looking at how young people spend their spare time and their sporting habits, motivations, barriers and associated emotions.
What we heard…
Seven Youth Segments
Young People’s feedback has also been used to create seven youth segments, which help to better understand the motivators, barriers, and associated emotions that young people experience in relation to sport – from those who play sport to release stress to those who would love to do more, but anxiety and self-confidence holds them back. Learn more about the seven youth segments here.
7 Youth Segments – Activation Offers
Based on feedback from young people and the Youth Segments insight, we have collated a range of sport/physical activity ‘offers’ which provide illustrative examples of the types of ‘offers’ that might appeal to each of the seven segments. These activity offers include examples from StreetGames initiatives and wider organisations in the sports sector. The list is by no means exhaustive, but is designed to provide a selection of examples which might be useful when exploring activation ideas with young people. It is also important to remember that it is not just about ‘what’ activity is provided, but also the ‘style’ in which it is delivered; for some of the segments, particularly those which are ‘reluctant’ (Segment 1 & Segment 3), this will require a supportive approach and investment in time and resource ‘pre-engagement’ to help build relationships and confidence before they will contemplate taking part in sport/physical activity.
Youth Voice Quiz
One of the ways that StreetGames is helping community organisations and partners to activate the findings locally is via the use of our Youth Segmentation Quiz. The quiz, which was created by Platypus Research, has taken three ‘golden questions’ from the 1,000 Young Voices research survey which through pre-calculated algorithms determines which of the 7 segments a young person or groups of young people are most likely to align with. The ‘golden questions’ capture information about the young person’s main motivations/reasons for taking part in sport and physical activity, barriers to taking part, and emotions felt when taking part, and is quick and easy to use.
The quiz can be used via a QR code, survey link or Excel sheet. If you are interested in using the quiz, please contact ceris.anderson@streetgames.org
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