Ball Games Allowed

‘Ball Games Allowed’ is a StreetGames initiative which aims to support young people to play football in their local community.

Forge Youth, Sheffield

Forge Youth is a community organisation working in the Shiregreen area of Sheffield. Their main purpose is to build relations with young people using football as the ‘hook’ together with additional support around physical, mental and social well-being. Each programme is needs-led, with young people helping to shape their activities.

Darnall FA, Sheffield

Darnall FA (DFA) has been working in the Sheffield community since 2013, particularly around the Darnall suburb – an area with high levels of deprivation. Their sessions provide young adults and children with football activities for all abilities in a non-competitive environment.

The StreetGames ‘Ball Games Allowed’ funding enabled DFA to try something completely new aimed at engaging girls and boys of different ages, as parents had often asked DFA if they could put on some sessions for the girls, many of whom were reluctant to get involved in mixed sessions.

Following discussions with local parents and children activities were planned to start in Spring 2020. However, due to Coronavirus and lockdown restrictions, the planned activities had to be delayed.

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