The community organisations in the StreetGames network comprise community groups, charities, leisure trusts, sports clubs, housing associations, local authorities, colleges and many others. They are all locally managed and funded but vary significantly in terms of size and make up.
Very few of these organisations are ‘traditional’ mainstream sports facilities and/or NGB affiliated sports organisations and for many sport is not the primary purpose. But what the organisations that are most effective at engaging and operating in underserved communities have in common, is that they are ‘trusted’ by the local community – they have ‘permission to operate’.
StreetGames commissioned an independent research agency, IFF, to undertake research with a small number of community organisations to explore how they became trusted and how we can help them to sustain and grow their offers.
This slide deck shares the key findings, which provide useful information about why these organisations are critically important in underserved communities, what support they need to sustain and grow their offers and why they need investment.