Scoping Exercise into Young People’s Attitudes & Engagement in Sport

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In October 2011, StreetGames, Us Girls and Sport England commissioned Diva to undertake a comprehensive social marketing scoping project aimed at exploring the lifestyles, attitudes, behaviours and engagement in sport/physical activity amongst young people of young men and women aged 16 to 18 currently in Further Education (FE) college. Following this, an additional research study was undertaken during January-April 2013 focusing on the 14 to 16 age group.

Both studies also looked to identify how best to communicate effectively to promote the benefits of sport/physical activity and ultimately encourage the young people to take up and maintain a healthy level of physical activity in adulthood.

These reports have been produced to compile the findings of the scoping work. It highlights the key actionable insights alongside what interventions can be taken forward to increase participation in sport amongst the target audience.

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