The StreetGames Network Survey 2024

On an annual basis StreetGames distributes a survey to Locally Trusted Organisations (LTOs) within the network to gather their feedback across a range of key areas. The areas of focus include:

  • Identifying the key priorities and challenges faced by LTOs.
  • Assessing the impact of StreetGames services and support on LTOs and the young people they serve
  • LTO delivery and future aspirations
  • Future support requirements
  • LTO satisfaction and alignment with StreetGames.

To collect this feedback, StreetGames created an online survey that was sent directly to LTOs in the StreetGames network via email. To encourage response, a follow-up reminder email was sent after one week, and regional staff also provided informal encouragement to LTOs for their participation. Additionally, reminders were posted on social media platforms. Throughout the survey period (June till October 2024), a total of 203 completed responses were received.

This document provides a summary of the key findings obtained from the survey.

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