The Together Leeds Youth Partnership initiative was developed in response to national evidence indicating that young people were less likely to adhere to self-isolation and social mixing guidelines, which in turn led to a rise in infection rates within the population. It was found there was a scarcity of supportive resources and information for trusted sport coaches and youth workers to share with the young people they work with that would really encourage the observance of the guidelines. Furthermore, there were limited opportunities for young people themselves to feed into the design of the campaigns and messaging.
The Together Leeds Youth Partnership is a collection of 17 community organisations from across Leeds who have come together as part of Leeds’ Covid-19 Third Sector Outbreak plan to ensure a coherent approach to supporting young people, predominantly aged 14 – 20, in priority areas across the city. StreetGames has supported the creation and development of the partnership of organisations involved to ensure the information flow between key health partners and local young people around coronavirus and the many issues which have arisen around the pandemic.