StreetGames Balanced Scorecard 2022

As part of the StreetGames 10 year strategic plan, four key ‘End Game’ objectives have been identified. These are:

  • All young people from low income, under-served communities have the opportunity to engage in life enhancing Doorstep Sport.
  • Mainstream sports providers amend their practice to meet the needs of young people from low-income, underserved communities.
  • A pathway exists in every low income, under-served neighbourhood for young people to become volunteers and future community leaders.
  • A year-round multi-sport offer is available in every low-income, underserved community.

Our End Game represents a long term ambition; as such, this scorecard includes a set of key performance indicators which act as ‘proxies’ towards these long term goals and the medium term outcomes identified within our Business Planning process, and represent a ‘step on the way’ to delivering the vision encompassed within the Strategic Plan.

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