Health and Wellbeing

Supporting young people living in underserved communities to lead healthier, happier lives

Playing sport and being physically active has many benefits for our physical and mental health. People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of many major illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Being physically active can also improve mood, reduce stress and decrease the chance of depression and anxiety.

For many young people growing up in low-income, underserved communities, however, opportunities to play sport and access its life-changing benefits are either limited or non-existent.


of children and young people from ‘low affluence’ families are classed as active – compared to 50% from ‘high affluence’ families.

16.5 years

Those living in the least deprived areas of the UK will, on average, live in ‘good’ health for 16.5 more years than those living in the most deprived areas.


of 10-11 year-olds in the most deprived areas are obese – compared to 13.9% in the least deprived areas.

We believe that access to sport and its benefits is a right and not a privilege. Through our core Doorstep Sport approach and innovative, sector-leading programmes, we are breaking down traditional barriers to accessing physical activity and supporting young people living in underserved communities to lead healthier, happier lives.

A vibrant and varied sporting offer

Discover more about our work in this area

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18 December 2024

The health and wellbeing of young people in low income areas in England and Wales

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18 July 2024

Doorstep Sport Participant Survey – 2023/24

Find out more about the impact of Doorstep Sport on young people attending sessions, with this years participant survey results now live.

Research & Insights Item
16 May 2024

Lewisham Housing Directorate Doorstep Sport Project – Interim Report

Since September 2023, StreetGames have been working with Lewisham Housing Directorate to deliver a Doorstep Sport programme for the young people living on the Crossfield Estate in Deptford.

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